Just a few things:
We need to also remember .instance_variable_get() and .instance_variable_set().
Ruby does not quite use a similar "restriction-style" OOP like, say, java. It will
depend a lot on the style and preferences of the ruby user.
Personally I much prefer the more traditional .send() approach that ruby has had, so
zverok's comment about what to do with private stuff, I say .send() it all the way!
Gimme all the goodies; don't restrict me. :D (I tend to use "private" rarely, and
mostly as cue for documentation, rather than as a "I want to restrict this usage 100%").
On the topic of .send(), .public_send() and .send(), I have a few gems that use
.send(). I like .send(). I do not use .public_send() or .send(), so even a new
operator for .send() would not affect me since I would not need it, most likely.
Last but not least, at first I thought .send() will be deprecated, e. g. I misread
this change here by nobu:
Perhaps this one is also related to the issue here? I think some ruby users may
wonder what to use, e. g. .send() or .public_send() or .send(). This should also
be kept in mind. Note that I have no strong opinion on the issue here at all, my
only concern would be whether .send() would be changed, but I think I misread that
when I first saw the git-change.